
have u met the SAME NAME????

The postgraduate entrance exam took place last weekend, i saw this name sheet put up on the notice board around the main plaza, and saw this COGNOMINAL gal........ the moment..... not easy to picture well and truly but still pretty excited..... it drove you to image if we meet one day, okay the one in front of you , actually get the same name with you!! no matter how he/she acts, his/her voice sounds like crow or cuckoo.. you two share the SAME NAME!!

The most fabulous thing is, the next day, i found there stood two more notice boards with also countless names.... i passed by and suddenly an old guy jump into my eyes, this time it is a HE!!!!, the same name with me ......awful a pity my camera was not with me!! and my grandpa-level cellphone cannot shoot... or you could see two pictures :(

Anyway it was no doubt a funny experience, i once crashed into a posts bar naming "gaoyan", and shocked to see so many guys sharing this name....

Have u got the same experience??? i guess some of you will say 'yeah' but some not...... is your name probably be shared also by both garcon or fille? ^_^


Anonymous said...

呵呵 借“撞衫“之后给你来个“撞名“吧。


Yan said...

哈哈 没准儿哪天我看见某超市的小班车侧面你微笑的大头像 穿过大街小巷......
