
you thieves!!!

Loads of third-hand emerged by the end of the year.. Followed by my miserable experience as being stolen, dengzi, my roommate, 'donated' her cellphone again near a bus distributing center not far away from my school:( She served herself right as she undrew the chain of her handbag, didn't that equal to say' hay,you guys, here are my wallet, my cellphone, my....., pick as you like....', no? Absolutely!!! okay, you thieves..... you are strong ,young, you at least have a wholesome brain(as you could think out way to get 'free' things) ,why not do something useful? you really think you could do this ' easy career' lifelong? you really think you won't be arrested one day?? you really think everyone was always as stupid as 'donating' their stuff to you freely??!!!! i could only say it's not high time for you to be punished ,but morning or evening you'll see that day , then let's see what'll happen!!your black ,illainous hands,your dirty soul(if you still have the thing called 'soul'), go to see your maker!! That's your place! no .. the hell, that is your right place!!


Anonymous said...

as-tu regardé "A world without thieves" Un film de Xiaogang Feng, avec Andy Lau et Rene Liu.
J'ai bien aimé ce film chinois.

FU Lu-yi

Yan said...

i like that film very much too....

funny but finally touching....