

Yearning for the days we made snacks ourselves in the dorm, the only equipment for us was a worm-eaten microwave. The right one was my masterpiece, pretty easy but should still be considered as a delicacy for snacks. The stuff we need are quite facile, milk, egg,and 3-4 slices of toast, and don't forget sugar, that's all, and a microwave also shouldn't be drop out the list :)
1)Cut the toast into four equal-sized pieces;
2)Dip the small piece toast into the milk double sides.
3)Beat up 2 eggs with eggbeater or chopsticks till they bubble, then add sugar to the egg cream;
4)Dip the toast into the egg cream ,also double sides, the more the possible :)
5) okay the first phase work is done now, and put the box in the microwave , medium heat for 40s--60s, that depends on how you want your egg done.
6) Done!! Enjoy the delicacy with your family,friends or just enjoy it alone in a sunny afternoon, cool~~
See it? quite easy but with lots of fun, c'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?Things would be different rest with how you view it. ^_^

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