

Could call it a hard job to remember the day i began loving collecting coins. And my first several collections were actually missing [esp.with two from Burma accidentally dropped into the crack of the floor on a bus:( ....]

Practically i never set it seriously as one of my hobbies but all are optional collections from friends. The point is, i gradually found it is actually this amateurish, unprofessional way made the most fun, without bothering with racking my brains to dig where the next coin is hiding, i got my collections all by chance(except the vietnam one bought from the border while travelling), so surely going with surprise, it might right be the charming of it ? guess so...

Another fun is i could tell stories of each coin, to be precise, who/where/how/when...... just as we put the clock back years... and where there is no jet lag, heart can beat with the rhythmn of the world..wow.....gone too far... okay, see what i got so far, coins from..

H.K / UK/ Korea/TaiWan/Indonesia/NLG(before Euro)/Vietnam/Ethiopia/Malaysia/Singapore/FRF(before Euro)/DEM( before Euro)/ Euro (France)/Euro(Germany)/Thailand/...

If you got other coins not in my list, would you trade some with me?

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