Okay i must say sth about this pair of earrings, what you see actually are my 'affectionate' ones (a little bit high-sounding?), you know what, they practically are the first pair of earrings i bought myself!! But it was today , one of them went near to say goodbye to me!!
I found my seat in the concert hall, took off my coat and saw the concertmaster leading they all to attune, then all at once, my hand touched one ear by chance, no earring??!!! I felt in my bones that i wore it this morning, but where was it then ???? The concert is about to start in just 5 minutes, many guys came and went passing me, it was too hard to find it i knew...i took my coat to see if i could shake it off, but in vain...i almost took off my sweater to check whether it was in some corner( lol, not really, it just made me crazy...)
Then suddenly, when i looked down my seat, i saw them!!! They were lying on the floor quietly as having no idea what happened.... the moment i found them was just like the moment mum found the kid getting lost.... they looking at you gently as two babies in a cradle....no matter how much you love them was not enough....
lol, anyway, they were back, and i took this picture for them :) You probably think i am a mental to say all those above, but i lost one necklace i treasure sooo much two months ago and i know how you'll feel when you know it's impossible to see sth you love any longer :)
Okay let's call it a day..... wish the Fortune's wheel keep up favoring me and good luck you all :)
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