When i was 6, i looked at the mirror, " when could i be 10??", at that time, "10 years old" was "mature" enough for me......
When i was 10, i dreamed the day i could be 16, as the so-called flowery age....but when i could really say i was 16, i found nothing special....
Then i was surrounded by the longing of being 20....and finally it came one day, peaceful, quiet.......
Now i'm 25, everything works in its orginal orbit, can't complain...i still enjoy looking at myself in the mirror many times a day, sometimes i see a beautiful little Miss Gao there, sometimes there was an unlovely one with a screwy face....
Anyway, it is me, i've no reason to ditch her, perfect or flawy...that's no longer important.... ^_^